• Advisor Partnerships

    Advisor Partnerships

The Ultimate Partner

Waterloo is the ultimate financial partner. We give you everything you need under one roof. Our suite of services, industry experts, and proprietary investment options provide access to unparalleled individualized recommendations. We first learn about your goals, then utilize our suite of expertise, services, and tools to produce tangible steps and a clear path towards attaining success.

Public Market Investing

New technologies are changing the way the markets are traded and what strategies produce better returns. High-speed technology and algorithmic trading have transformed the stock market. Waterloo Capital is one of the firms leading the industry in adopting new technologies to manage portfolios. Our proprietary trading software gives investors access to institutional equity trading models designed to protect from unexpected losses, and generate better long-term performance. Learn more about Waterloo Capital’s Newton Portfolios and our public investing services.

Public Market Investing

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Private Market Investing

90% of all investment opportunities take place in the private sector. Alternative investments add an institutional level of sophistication to your portfolio and elevate expected returns without increasing risk. Historically, portfolios that include alternative assets provide better risk adjusted returns over a complete market cycle. Most of these opportunities are difficult to access for retail investors, but Waterloo’s experience, network, and expertise in the industry has gained us access to top level managers and strategies. Learn more about private equity, hedge funds, real estate, and real asset investing opportunities.

Private Market Investing

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Financial Planning

A goal without a plan is just a wish. Planning is all about bringing the future forward and doing something about it today. A customized financial plan ensures you’re getting the most out of all of your investments, assets, and tax strategies. It’s important to remember that planning is not just about investing, it’s about your life. Your goals and responsibilities change at different stages of your life. A successful plan requires shifting investment strategies during these different stages. We keep you focused on growth, protection, and transfer of wealth as you progress through your financial journey. Learn more about how we can help you create a plan that works.
